
Detroit, MI


Track your cravings effortlessly with our intuitive design.


5 Weeks


UX Designer & Researcher


Sketch, Miro, Keynote, Photoshop, Swift UI

Big Idea

Help a member of our community by supporting them into transitioning from harmful groups/connections.

Solution Concept

An incentivizing app with a widget tool for recovering addicts who want to hold themselves accountable through positive reinforcement so that they can stay sober, unlike tools that just track how long you've been sober.

About CraveFree

CraveFree initially started as a vague idea to help recovering addicts who want to get sober. We were not exactly sure what that meant for us so research started. Through our collaborative thinking and research we decided to narrow our audience to a more specific group of people, nicotine users.

We've developed a minimalist one-screen app featuring a haptic button, intended for users to tap when experiencing cravings and choosing to resist them. With each tap, the screen displays a mantra, allowing users to select from options including nice, neutral, or mean affirmations.


Utilizing a combination of surveys, interviews, and user testing, gave us an understanding of their current user experience with other apps. Key findings highlighted the challenge of text visibility. (Text visibility proved to be a consistent complaint across our competitors.) This iterative process underscored the importance of clarity and readability in enhancing our user’s experience.

User Persona/ Empathy Map

Bridget has been using nicotine products on and off for five years and has become reliant on it. She is 22 years old and works as a barista while attending classes. She lives a busy life and is often stressed out and has found vaping brings her a sense of comfort yet is causing her anxiety and depression to worsen. She has attempted to quit in the past, but still struggles with her cravings and often ends up feeling discouraged.


-Regain health and stamina

  • -Reduce stress and anxiety related to nicotine

    -Save money


    - Keeping track of progress

    -Frustrations from previous attempts 

    -Reducing noise from traditional sobriety apps

Brand Kit

Our chosen colors evoke feelings of strength, peace, and comfort, fostering a sense of calmness for our users. We opted for the ASAP font for its playful and airy vibe. Consistency is key, so our logo mirrors the essence of the app, integrating our main feature seamlessly.



Lock screen widget for quick view of daily curbed craving count and easy access to app.

Take Aways

User-Centric design

-Understanding User Needs: Conducting user research helps in comprehensively understanding the needs, preferences, and pain points of the target audience.

-Enhancing Usability: User feedback provides insights into the usability of the app.

Use of Widgets

-Convenience and Accessibility: Widgets offer users a convenient way to access important information or perform key tasks without having to open the app itself.

Home screen widget displaying real-time craving counts, designed to motivate users to maintain their tracking efforts and encourage self-accountability.